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You have finally decided which area of town you want to move to, you have chosen the date for the big day and are all excited about your new home. But moving is quite a hustle and a bit of planning is required if you want to have a stress free moving experience.

Here are 5 steps which will help you move to a new home more efficiently:

moving1. Pack in advance

You might think that you’ll only need a few hours to pack all your things, but when the time comes, you’ll be overwhelmed with the task at hand. Boxes need to be bought, the right tape to secure the boxes needs to be found, and then, when you think you’re done, you’ve got to carry all the boxes as close as possible to the door. Here’s a tip: Read this article if you want to find out how to pack efficiently in 5 steps and, above all, pack in advance.

moving2. Inform the landlord

Make sure you clear all your bills with your landlord. Inform your landlord at least one month in advance that you’re planning to move. Make an appointment with him or her and pay all your outstanding bills.

moving2. Change your mailing address

Do you still want to get your Christmas Cards from your favourite nephews and nieces from Sydney? How about your newspaper and magazine subscriptions? They cost a lot of money, right? Then don’t forget to change your mailing address with all the subscriptions you’ve got, plus your bank and other service providers.

moving4. Get the keys ready

The big day has finally come and you’re all ready to move but… big shocker… you can’t find your keys. The night before your move, just put the house keys in their usual place behind the door (or wherever you normally put your keys when you enter the house)!

moving5. Hire a removalist

Your health (both mental and physical) matter more than anything else in the world. Why end up pulling your hair when you realize you forgot one box in the old house? Why spend the next two days immobile in bed with a backache from lifting heavy boxes? Just hire a removalist company to do the job for you. If you’re moving in the Melbourne area, consider hiring the services of All The Right Moves Removalists.

If you follow these 5 basic steps, your move to the new place will not only be efficient but also a great moment of celebration.

Written by Voicu Mihnea Simandan