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It can either be the most dreaded day of your life or the most exciting one. Yes, moving day can be great if all goes according to your plan or it can be a day of utter chaos. Hope the latter doesn’t happen to you.

moving day

Here are 5 simple reminders to keep in mind on how you can plan your moving day.

  1. Coordinated with Movers

Work out a suitable time for the movers to arrive prior to moving day. When the movers arrive, go through the inventory list to ensure you indentify fragile and valuable items to assess the condition and value to each item. Make sure you clarify the damage costs with the movers ahead of time if in case your items get damaged during the move. Share your floor plan with the movers and direct them to the room you want them to work on first.

Often movers may make suggestions of specific techniques they may use in moving. Don’t panic if you see them mixing boxes in the truck. They may be doing it to manage the space in the trucks. Be present when the movers are loading boxes as they usually need you to sign documents. Make sure you give a final check around the house and confirm your destination address and phone numbers with the movers before the moving truck pulls away. Keep copies of the moving receipt and documents in a safe place.

  1. Inform your neighbor

Your move shouldn’t inconvenience your neighbors so be courteous and notify your neighbors ahead of time so you can use their parking space and sidewalk if need arises. If your neighbors have turned into good friends, give them your new address and phone number so they can forward your mails and bills. Better yet, some of neighbors may help you on the moving day in many capacities such as monitoring the moving trucks, storing some boxes and items transitorily.

  1. 3. Have some extra cash

Having some extra cash on hand is always helpful on moving day as you may have to buy some snacks, lunch or drinks for yourself, your family or some friends and family who may be helping you that day. You may also need to hire a taxi or a van in case your remaining items which you set aside to be taken with you don’t fit in your car.

  1. Keep stress at bay

Moving day usually arrives with much stress. Most of the time the major cause of stress may be trusting the movers. An established moving company in Melbourne like All the Right Moves Removalists are reputed for their professionalism, high level of integrity, and care. If possible, work out a plan with your movers several weeks ahead in advance. On the moving day itself, take time off from work and your other duties.

If possible share your responsibilities with your family members so you are not shouldering the burden all by yourself. Take time out to eat and drink something in the midst of the move to avoid burn out. Moving day can be long and arduous if you focus on only the stressful part of it. Try to lighten up the day by simply going with the flow. Get enough sleep and stay healthy and happy for your moving day.

  1. 5. Have a contingency plan

You will always have “what ifs” questions at the back of your mind on the moving day. Think of all the things that could potentially go wrong. Your back up plan doesn’t have to be an elaborate one. The most important element in your contingency plan should be to set aside some emergency funds as “contingency funds” for unforeseen situations like last minute cancelations, natural disasters, accidents, and sickness.

Don’t let the anxiety of moving day hinder you from enjoying the day. Remember to keep your vision of moving clear in your mind. Remember there is a new home, a new beginning, a new life waiting for you.